To know more about William Branham click here

The Message of Bro. William Branham is real to us.

In December 1977,my wife and I was baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ according to Acts 2:38,which was taught by Bro. Branham as well as the apostles of the old. Yes,in water baptism and not by sprinkling of water.
Our lives changed as well as that of my colleagues which numbered at least 50 in all who received Christ the way me and my wife did.

The was a strong revival in the airlines where I used to work as a flight attendant.Many of the cabin crew as well as the pilots in Singapore Airlines (SIA) heard the message brought by William Branham.
Those who believed were mostly people of not so good reputation.We smoked,drank,gambled and womanised.
There were also stewardesses who were converted by the message of William Branham. Most them left the airlines after that.

My first overseas Christian fellowship meeting was in Rotterdam,Holland and that was in 1977. There I met the pastor of the church named Pastor Harry Vander Stel (may have spelled incorrectly). Bro. Harry spoke almost perfect English.

1 comment:

Louis said...

Independent Mission Work in Rotterdam have an article about the Singapore visitors here:

God bless